Friday, January 13, 2012

The other blog - check it out!

The most miraculous thing happened last week: I started writing. Like, really writing. Like, deep in thought, connections and ideas and tangents, writing. It was fabulous! (Well, okay, one of the things I wrote about was my dad's cancer and that made me cry, but the overall experience was fabulous.) I haven't felt that much inspiration since I finished my Master's degree and it felt so good to be back. I felt much more like myself. As much as I love my new crafting and quilting hobbies, expressing myself through words is an integral part of my personality. I think it went missing partially because I was lacking the deadlines and assignments that kept pushing me forward during grad school, but also because I forgot how much I like it. It takes a lot of self-discipline to do something that isn't required of you that also takes a lot of work, but the current wave of inspiration has reminded me that it's worth it.

I'm working hard at not letting the inspiration fade by posting once again on my creative writing blog: (it's also on my sidebar). I started this blog for one of my creative writing classes and I'd really appreciate any feedback/comments/suggestions/questions that you might have. I'm mostly using writing prompts but I'm also going to start re-working some sections of my thesis and previously written essays. I very much miss having writing classes to workshop and discuss my writing with, but I guess that's one of the great things about blogging - you have a built-in forum and community for these kinds of things.

So stop by, check it out, come on over - I officially invite you all. See you there!

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