Monday, October 4, 2010

Word(s) of the Day, Part 2

I included my own sentences to help clarify the meanings. And to give you an idea of how such intelligent language can be used in everyday conversations...heh.

fossick \FOS-ik\, verb:
1. To search for any object by which to make gain.
2. Mining. To undermine another's digging; search for waste gold in relinquished workings, washing places, etc.
3. To hunt; seek; ferret out.
For example, I watched him fossick for his phone for an hour before telling him it was in his front pocket.

rigmorole \RIG-muh-rohl\, noun:
1. An elaborate or complicated procedure.
2. Confused, incoherent, foolish, or meaningless talk.
There was quite a bit of rigmorole surrounding the rigmorole of asking his date to the Prom.

hobbledehoy \HOB-uhl-dee-hoy\, noun:
An awkward, gawky young fellow.
If I get asked out by one more hobbledehoy, I'm joining a convent.

diaphanous \dy-AF-uh-nuhs\, adjective:
1. Of such fine texture as to allow light to pass through; translucent or transparent.
2. Vague; insubstantial.
Well, that's a diaphanous argument if I ever heard one.

soupcon \soop-SAWN\, noun:
A slight trace, as of a particular taste or flavor.
The party had a soupcon of inebriety although no alcohol was consumed (must have been a Mormon party).

kenspeckle \KEN-spek-uhl\, adjective:
Conspicuous; easily seen or recognized.
I'd know that kenspeckled red hair anywhere.

cachinnate \KAK-uh-neyt\, verb:
To laugh loudly or immoderately
I can never stop myself from cachinnating at the most inopportune times.

anacoluthia \an-uh-kuh-LOO-thee-uh\, noun:
Lack of grammatical sequence or coherence, esp. in a sentence.
I spoke with a--well, what I mean to say is--there anacoluthia is the--but not very often--though I never did say that.

beek \BEEK\, verb:
1. To bask or warm in the sunshine or before a fire.
2. (Of wood) to season by exposure to heat.
Beek is related to the same Middle English root that results in bake. So it would be entirely appropriate to say to someone, Go beek yourself by the fire.

foudroyant \foo-DROI-uhnt\, adjective:
1. Overwhelming and sudden in effect.
2. Pathology. (Of disease) beginning in a sudden and severe form.
3. Striking as with lightning.
I could only take his foudroyant personality in small doses.
If I am around him too long, my negative reactions are likely to be foudroyant.

incunabulum \in-kyoo-NAB-yuh-luhm\, noun:
1. The earliest stages or first traces of anything.
2. Extant copies of books produced in the earliest stages (before 1501) of printing from movable type.
The incunabulum of this list is but a distant memory...


  1. I love diaphanous. Always been one of my favorite words. Just sounds pretty you know? And YOU are one of my favorite people!!

  2. I love that you know that word! And I just love you. :)
