Monday, June 20, 2011


Four years ago today, I came home from England.

Two years ago today, I went through the temple for the first time.

Today, it's my Tim's 26th birthday.

I love June 20th.

There are a couple of days of the year that hold special significance for me, aside from the traditional reasons to celebrate, and this is one of them. It's a birthday of sorts for me and it's my best excuse to spoil my husband (which he only allows when I have a good excuse). Sometimes it's Father's Day too and then we just go all out.

This year, we had a rockin' birthday party for Tim on Friday - by far the best party we've ever thrown (success!!).

Saturday we made lots and lots of cookies for Father's Day, and though exhausted, we made our deadline (success!!).

After church, we went up to my parents' house for combined Father's Day/Tim's birthday celebration. I did a good job of coordinating with my parents to get Timmy some gifts he was way excited for (success!!).

And then on Monday, we went to the Hale Center Theater to see The Hit, which was really funny and I'd definitely recommend it. Didn't take any photos (fail), but here's Tim talking on the phone to his family during dinner.

Between making a thousand cookies and making food for a party and throwing the party and going to barbecues and then going to another party and then having an actual birthday day with presents and a play AND getting ready to go on vacation in a few days, I'm exhausted but completely satisfied. I truly believe in making a big deal out of life's anniversaries, whatever events they mark. All of my June 20th celebrations are for life-changing days, and I'm so glad that we took the time and made the effort to celebrate them fully.

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