Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here (hair) today, gone tomorrow

Work has been absolutely insane the last two weeks. I ended up working quite a bit of overtime last week and then I crammed five days of work into four so that Tim and I could take off tomorrow and head to Torrey and Capitol Reef. I am definitely ready and in need of a little break. And to top off the crazy work schedule, I seem to have developed both a cold and a stomach bug in the last two days. Very rude. But Torrey will fix everything, this I know.

But almost more exciting than that, I got my hair cut! It's been almost a year since I last got my hair cut, and while I enjoyed letting my hair grow out (which I haven't done for five years), it was time to make it cute again.

Now you see it...

Now you don't!

I am a big fan of my short hair. I kind of really love it...I've been swishing it back and forth all day! My only concern is that now I have to remember how to make it look this cute everyday. Hopefully these unused skills come back to quickly...


  1. I'm not used to seeing you with long hair, crazy that it's been that long since I've seen the short hair! You look beautiful :)

  2. Thanks Madelyn! I was inspired by your cute cut. :) It has been a crazy long time since I've seen you!
