Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 in Review

10 things that happened in 2010:

1. Tim and I were together every single day. We met halfway through 2008 and spent half of 2009 miles apart, so this is extremely noteworthy.

2. My cousin Nigel was killed in March while fighting in Afghanistan. His sacrifice has changed so much for me and my family since then.

3. I finished my thesis and I graduated! In May, I got to go to Pittsburgh with my husband and parents, show them around, see old friends, watch the LOST finale, and proudly receive my diploma.

4. Tim and I went to California twice, once for Valentine's Day, and once for the 4th of July and my niece's baby blessing.

5. I became an aunt twice over! Addison was born in June, and Gracie was born on my birthday in August.

6. Hotel Herrick had quite a bit of business, particularly in August, when we had ten adults and three babies living here for two weeks. We probably won't ever have that much business again (cross your fingers).

7. My sister went to Nepal, had some amazing experiences, and had her appendix taken out. She came home and got married three months later.

8. My brother worked as a wildland firefighter all summer to earn money for his mission. He got his mission call, went on his mission, and came home again for medical reasons. Very busy year for him.

9. Tim passed his math class!!! Best day ever!!!

10. Tim and I both took a leap of faith and quit our not-so-good jobs in June and July. Two months later, we were both incredibly blessed to find not only good jobs, but jobs where we feel valued and appreciated, and where we get to work with people we like and respect. Our quality of life has increased dramatically since then.

2010 was a crazy year. There were babies being born, important life events taking place, unemployment, classes, more treatments and illnesses, missions, weddings, time spent in the temple, and lots of growth and learning. I almost hope that 2011 is more calm, but I have a feeling that it is going to challenge me in new and unexpected ways. I say, bring it on. Today, at least, I'm ready.


  1. I love you. I love reading your blog. I love your faith, and your optimism, and your steadiness and your honesty- YOU make me want to be a better person. I love you. (Again:)

  2. And I love you! I love reading your blog. I get half of my inspiration from you and what you write. Seriously! I think this is a good blogging exchange we have going here. :)
