Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today's Score: The Mouse Warrior

A score against the mice! Last Friday, while I was home alone, I heard the tell-tale skittering that meant I had company in the kitchen. Sure enough, a small, furry something was hiding out behind the fridge. I put one of our traps behind the fridge, hoping that would take care of it, but alas! The mouse ran out and through the kitchen and back under the fridge just before I had a bowl in hand, ready to trap it should it choose to come back out.

I waited stealthily, silently, and sure enough, the demon creature came out and ran straight toward me. Like the true Mouse Warrior that I am, I only screamed once...or twice...and dropped the bowl on my unsuspecting prey. I meant only to trap it, but I misjudged the distance and the bowl landed on the poor thing's neck...and killed it. I wasn't sure it was dead, so I swept the body under the bowl with the dustpan, put another bowl on top of that, and the laundry soap on top of that--just in case. And then I let my brother-in-law clean it up later, lucky him.

Since then, rumors of my fierce warrior-ness have spread throughout the mouse community and we've not seen head nor tail of any more mice. Hopefully they stay gone!

Tim & Kate: 2 (mice killed)
Mice: 4 (sightings)

Also, this morning as I was demonstrating for my 2nd graders the precise way to flap their arms like a chicken as they marched to music, I had one little boy ask me incredulously, "Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Nope, I have no embarrassment and no shame!" I declared, continuing to flap my arms. He looked at me like I was crazy, but I just smiled. And I thought, if I can get these kids to sing, clap, play instruments, and be quiet by being ridiculous, it is absolutely worth it.

Today's score:
Kate: 1
2nd graders: 0


  1. Yay! What wonderful scores! Congratulations on your success.

  2. You are so brave!! Not about the dancing, that's just awesome. I mean the mouse-killing.
