Friday, July 30, 2010

Small Victories

The job search continues, my house still needs to be cleaned, summer is going too fast, and July is nearly over. And yet today, I am content.

Starting next week, I'll be teaching an ACT prep class once a week with Sylvan Learning. It's not going to pay any bills, but it does pay it is a teaching job! I think it's going to be a great experience, and I'm pretty dang excited. I have a huge binder to create my lessons from and I'm a little nervous, but mostly, I count this as a victory.

Another small victory came in the mail yesterday: a check in my name from Sunstone Magazine, where I have an essay being published sometime next year. (I would post it for y'all to read, but I have a feeling that might be some kind of copyright infringement...I'll find out.) Aside from being glad for the extra money, I was giddy when I realized that I have officially been write. Let me say that again:

I got paid for my writing.


I still don't count myself a professional by any means, but I do feel a little more secure about calling myself a writer. I'm not just someone who writes. I'm someone who gets paid to let other people read my writing. It's such a small victory, but you know what? I'll take it.

This one's for me. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and way to be optimistic.
