Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life Update (because it seems like a good time for one)

Another crazy weekend here in Summer-ville. Yesterday I hosted a baby shower for one of my best friends from high school, Shelly; went to a baby shower for one of my college roommates, Brittney; and went to/hosted an engagement party for my recently engaged and 5-weeks-away-from-getting-married friend from high school, Kellianne. For some reason, I have not had any photo-taking instincts lately, so I didn't take any pictures at all yesterday. So sad. But I had a great time seeing so many friends and their cute kids and getting a chance to catch up with everyone.

Tim was a champ through it all. He helped me make desserts, he cleaned the living room, he helped make chicken salad sandwiches, and then he inconspicuously disappeared while the baby showering was going on. Bless him. I am so lucky to have someone who is so willing to help and be patient with all the crazy things his wife schedules.

Friday was my last day of work at the real estate office (woohoo!) and so now the job of finding a job will commence in earnest, now that I will finally have time to devote to the search. Tim has some really good leads for jobs on campus, and I've got some part-time work to tide us over, so we're hopeful that things will be fine until we find some jobs (hopefully soon). Some days the pressure to find a job and find a way to provide for ourselves is enormous. It's the size of two elephants, that's how big the pressure is. But Tim keeps reminding me that we're going to be fine, to trust, to have faith, etc. Again, Tim is amazing for putting up with me and my moods.

I've never really had to look for a job before, except last year when I came back from Pittsburgh. But even then, I got the first job I interviewed for, so this experience with looking and looking and applying and not getting the jobs I want has been something of a new experience for me. I've discovered what I'm sure many people have discovered before me: that part of what makes job hunting hard is that you are putting the very best of yourself out there--on paper, in letters, in interviews--and yet, no one wants to hire you. It's so hard to keep your confidence up and continue to promote yourself as The Best For The Job. It's also difficult just to play the game. You try to tailor yourself to specific jobs, and then you just feel like you're lying. You try to be honest about your weaknesses and feel like you've disqualified yourself. It almost feels like gambling--just making your best guesses and judgments and hoping that you win eventually.

Ah, well. It's a good challenge, this job thing. It's frustrating and rewarding and time-consuming, just as most worthwhile things in life are. Like planning parties or getting married or having kids. Or, in other aspects of my life right now, like learning to sew or organizing your house or setting up a budget. Frustrating and part of life. Good things, all.

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