Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Life Update (and a Big Announcement!)

The first week of March was spent lounging in Hawaii and since we got back (sad day), the month has flown by. Tim and I have both been trying to get caught up at work, Tim's been fighting off some kind of flu, we had a St. Patrick's Day party last weekend, and oh, what the heck, I'll cut to the chase: We're having a baby! I'm pregnant, expecting, adding to the family, however you want to say it - we're having a baby and we are thrilled!!!

I'm 14 weeks along, due September 18th, and yes, I've been really nauseated and throwing up some and yes, I've been exhausted and yes, I'm starting to feel better but not all the way and yes, I'm very happy about this. Well, not the throwing up or exhausted part, but the other part is pretty awesome. I've been to the doctor twice and both times we got to see our tiny baby on a mini ultrasound machine and everything looks good. Today we even watched the little one kick and wiggle around a but - it was amazing! Tim is over the moon excited and has been incredible - so supportive and concerned and helpful and making all kinds of runs to the store the second I ask. The last two months have been kind of rough on both of us but I think it's getting better. Hopefully. Still working on it.

Mostly, it is just so good. It's been about a year since we started trying for this and we're so happy to be moving forward. I can't wait to meet this little person in about six months and as strange as it may sound, I'm really excited to meet who Tim and I will be as parents. This year is going to be a wild ride but I'm so excited!



  2. YEAH!!!!! I am so excited for you! You are going to be such a wonderful mommy! Congrats Kate :)

  3. Congratulations!! I know the feeling of trying and trying, so it's huge that you finally get your moment. I'm so excited for you guys, you'll absolutely love it!

  4. Hooray!! I am so excited for you to be a mommy! Its all they say it is, and more!! Glad you are feeling better. Hopefully the worst is behind you and far as sickness and discomforts go. Will you find out the gender??

  5. YAYAYAY!!! Congratulations!! I was just thinking of you the other day, so I'm so glad to hear this great news! So amazing.
