Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My life right now

You know you're pregnant when...

You find yourself eating (and really enjoying) broccoli at 11:00 at night.

You cry during the first 15 minutes of The Fellowship of the Ring (the part where Gandalf lights some fireworks for the little kid hobbits...yeah...)

Nine and a half hours of sleep at night doesn't feel like enough.

Foods taste good for exactly two and a half days, and then they become the most vile-sounding foods imaginable.

You can't remember what it's like to not feel sick all the time.

None of your pants fit. None.

You start thinking in terms of weeks, not months.

You eat foods based on how easily and how tastily they will come back up. (Water takes first place, sorbet takes second, strawberries are in third.)

You can answer the same questions (How far along are you? How are you feeling? When are you due? Do you know what you're having yet?) over and over and not get annoyed, only more excited for what's coming.


  1. Aww, Kate this is so cute! And so exciting :) Congrats.

  2. Aw! So excited for you! But so sorry you are so sick. I would maybe consult your OB for some medicine to help with that. I know from sad experience not to eat popcorn or unpeeled apples when having morning sickness. The fibrous parts separate from the soft parts and can get stuck on your soft palette. Nasty I know, but I figure you could learn from my mistakes.
    It is SOOO worth it!

  3. So true. So true. Hopefully you start feeling the greatness of the 2nd trimester soon!
