Sunday, December 11, 2011

My very own Joseph

Instead of a Christmas party this year, our ward decided to do a musical program, a cantata of sorts. I was put on the planning committee and I volunteered to help with the music thinking it would be nice and easy. Mistake! It was so much work! I ended up putting together several small group numbers, picking songs for the Primary and Young Women to sing, coordinating who would play for the congregational hymns, etc. It was crazy! Plus I was asked to play "The Holy City" as an organ/piano duet with another girl in the ward, which turned out to be a really cool song, but was also a lot of work to practice.

In addition to all the music, people from the ward were asked to be the Nativity characters, including my own Tim who was asked to be Joseph, mainly because he can grow a beard. Seriously. He shaved the day before they asked him and they were very disappointed, but he told them not to worry, a month was plenty of time to grow it all back and then some. And boy howdy, did he.

He looked so good! So completely the part of Joseph. I was clearly not asked to be Mary (I'm very much the wrong color) but everyone looked perfect for their parts. I ended up taking over as a sort of stage manager the night of the program too, making sure the Nativity characters went out at the right times and helping them look good in their groupings. It all turned out really, really well but I'm quite relieved it's all over.

Good work Tim! Way to grow a beard!

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