Friday, December 10, 2010

My Many Hats

I don't actually own many hats (though I do drool over the incredible works of art in the My Fair Lady Ascot scene) but somedays I feel like I have too many to keep track off.

For example, this morning I woke up and put on my elementary school teacher "hat." It's a little ragged but still intact. It's wide-brimmed with a ribbon around the band, an attempt at homey comfort, but most of the time it's just a work hat that keeps the sun off my neck. (Please read into these metaphors...)

As soon as I was done being a teacher, I threw that hat into the back of my car and pulled on my writer/editor hat as I zoomed to my next job. When I got to the office, I collected boxes of new submissions, answered emails, edited text, and settled in to write more. My 1920s journalist hat still looks sharp after several months of working, though the brim on one side is starting to stretch where I keep pulling it down.

Throughout the day, I occasionally switch to my friend/confidante hat (a wide scarf) or my creative writer hat (newsboy cap). When I'm done with work, I have to switch again, sometimes pulling on my ACT prep teacher hat (cowgirl) or thankfully slinging on my best friend/wife hat (Tim's BYU baseball cap). Tonight I will pin on my Ward-Christmas-Party hat (I'm still not sure what that looks like) and then I'll pull my hair back and tie a scarf on when I hang out with my friends.

The roles I play occasionally feel so completely different from each other, I hardly recognize myself. Sometimes I wish I had just one hat to wear each day, one person to be.

I have a blog I follow that always asks a question at the end of each post. If this were that type of blog, I'd end this post like this: What "hats" do you find yourself wearing most often? Are there any you wish you wore less or more? Do you think it's possible to only have one hat?

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