Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 in Anticipation

It's a week into the new year and my "resolutions" have not completely fallen apart. Success! I'm taking things week by week, and I've got a written list on the wall in my bedroom to help me remember what it is I've committed myself to doing this year. In a similar vein, I'm writing some of them here so I have some kind of accountability to myself, if nothing else.

Resolutions (or "Lifestyle Changes", as I prefer to call them):
1. Stick to a schedule for going to bed. We had one once, but it got discarded a while ago. No more! Early bedtime from now on!

2. Exercise. I know, every person on the planet makes some kind of exercise resolution in January, but mine is easy. Three times a week, some kind of exercise for 30 minutes. No big deal. I can totally do that.

3. No sugar. Okay, not entirely. I am allowing myself one dessert a week, but no candy/ice cream/sugary treats in the middle.

4. Read one book a month. I decided only one because I haven't actually read anything for several months, and I didn't want to overwhelm myself with a book a week because that's the quickest way to break a resolution.

5. Post on this blog at least 6 times a month and post on my creative writing blog once a week. I need to jump start my creative writing skills, because they are fading and that is tragic. And pathetic.

6. Get published! And the only way to do that is to start getting rejected, so I'm resetting my goal of getting 100 rejections this year. (I only got two last year...but I got one acceptance too, so maybe that's okay?)

7. End the school year with some patience left. That's really the only realistic goal I have for that.

In summary, I just want to stop doing the things that make me unhealthy (not sleeping, not exercising, eating sugar) and do more of the things that make me a spiritually/intellectually/creatively happier person. It seems like a good plan. And I've discovered that having goals, however small, really motivates me to do more each day. Let's hope I can keep it up!

P.S. I also made a goal to stay in touch with people more, so if you get a phone call from me, don't be alarmed, I just want to chat. :)

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