Saturday, April 27, 2013

What a difference one month can make

We made it to seven months! I feel like Georgie has suddenly started showing so much more personality in the last few weeks - we are starting to see a difference in her moods and in what she likes or doesn't. Plus, she's hammering out a bunch of developmental milestones all at once: teething, almost crawling, sitting up, and scowling. (That's a milestone, right?) We have yet to achieve sleeping through the night and I am about at the end of my exhausted rope (again), but we have a plan for putting her on a more rigorous schedule so maybe that will help? Please?

Georgie has a new sound or look every few days. She figured out how to gasp (the way we do when we get all excited about something) and does it really exaggeratedly. She spent an entire day scowling at everyone (lips pursed, eyebrows scrunched, eyes squinted) and now only does it when she's upset about something. She also learned how to suck in both of her lips over her gums, making a sour lemon face. She is keeping us on our toes and making us laugh all the time. We have been trying to get her to eat baby food but she has not been very enthusiastic about it. She loves chewing on a celery stick though, so maybe if she can feed herself she'll be more excited about solid food.

Her very favorite thing right now is standing/walking. She will fight with you until she has your fingers to pull herself up and walk around. That's the one sure way of getting her attention - just hold out your fingers. She can't pull herself up without help - yet - and she has a long time before she'll be able to balance on her own. But when she does, holy cow, she will never ever stop moving. As it is, she has not figured out crawling yet but she has combined scooting with swimming strokes and rolling over to get anywhere she wants to. She it the most determined when a phone or remote is out of reach. It's kind of hilarious to watch:

Georgie has pretty much mastered sitting up, though she still loses her balance sometimes. Her poor little head gets a lot of bonks some days. She has one tooth on the bottom and it looks like another coming in next to it and possibly another on the top, but nothing's broken through yet so it's hard to tell. Teething has not been fun so far. She wakes up a lot at night anyway, but it's been especially bad as of late. We still swaddle her because she falls asleep more easily that way, but she always gets one or both arms out so we have a plan to start weaning her off of the swaddle. We kind of want her to sleep more first, though, but maybe that's just wishful thinking. 

Georgie makes "ma" sounds a lot, usually when she's mad or crying, so it almost sounds like she's saying "mama" which I love. She always loves to play with her daddy and adores my mom and dad and siblings. She knows that her Nana will always pick her up so even if she's content to play on the floor, as soon as she sees my mom, she reaches out and starts fussing to be held. Spoiled, oh so spoiled. :) She is still darling, sometimes frustrating, and always growing, and so far, seven months is a great age!

1 comment:

  1. That girl is so cute, I can't get over it! Teething is the pits. Georgie is sure to be full of personality--glad she's starting to show it off already. :)
