"Today, at about 8:50 am Eastern time, a plane crashed into one of the Twin towers of the World Trade Center. 18 minutes later, another plane crashed into the other Twin tower. Not too much later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon. At about 10:00, almost an hour after the 2nd plane, the tower that was hit second collapsed. Shortly after, the other half of the WTC collapsed, leaving a huge clouds of dust, dirt, debris, a huge hole in the NY skyline, and thousands of people dead or severely wounded. Soon after this, another plane crashed in Pittsburgh. All four planes had been hijacked by terrorists, and were all big Boeing planes traveling long distances so they had lots of fuel (which made them blow up more easily) and lots of passengers. The total death toll for the planes is supposed to be about 250 or so people. We have no idea what the total death toll is now."
That night, I cried and cried but not for myself - for everyone who died, for their families, and for the sheer possibility of such terrible actions. It was a horrifying day, but I'm really grateful that I wrote so much in my journal about it (ten full pages). There were so many details that I forgot and even though it was not something I ever want to re-live, it changed who we are and the people who lost their lives that day and the people who have been killed since then deserve to be remembered. I'm glad that we could take time today to do just that.
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