Saturday, August 23, 2014

5 months and going bald (just kidding)

At 5 months old, Rosie LOVES:
- Sucking on fabric. Anything fabric, but most especially the sides of her bassinet and the headrest on her swing. She will twist, turn, contort, stretch, and wail until she can suck on those two things, and she is rubbing herself bald in the process.
- Sucking on fingers. Doesn't matter if they're hers or yours, she'll pounce.
- Her sister. No one commands Rosie's attention like Georgie, and she has a special smile that only Georgie can produce.
- Her daddy. Even from across the room, she searches him out and gets a coy little smile with her tongue sticking out as soon as she finds him.
- Her song. It's the only thing that, without fail, distracts her from crying when she's upset.
Poor little bald-in-the-back-and-one-side baby. Also her head is not as flat as it looks in this picture, I promise.
At 5 months, Rosie HATES:
- Having her nose wiped/suctioned/saline solution-ed. (She's been sick lately so I know this for a fact.)
- Being put down when she's already cranky.
- Having her eyes and face scratched at by her older sister.
At 5 months, Rosie likes:
- Taking a bath. It almost always produces smiles and wiggles, even if she's tired or hungry.
Her bouncy swing. She finally figured out how to bounce!
- Her walker(ish) seat. She is just the right size to get the fun moving parts into her mouth, to hit the buttons to produce songs, and still be able to suck on the edges of the fabric seat.
- Songs. All of them.
At 5 months, Rosie tolerates:
- Taking her reflux medication.
- Being in her car seat. She doesn't love it but she's usually pretty chill about it.
- Having Georgie sit/step/pull/hug/kiss/love/share with her. (I had to fish bacon out of Rosie's mouth after Georgie tried to share her breakfast one morning. Not cool. Rosie was fine, though.)
- Getting bored. Instead of screaming, Rosie just starts to whine when she's been left at an activity for too long. On the one hand, it's nice that she doesn't scream. On the other, it makes it easy to leave her there and then she gets REALLY mad.
At 5 months, Rosie is good at:
- Smiling.
- Being tickled.
- Grabbing anything offered to her (even inadvertently) and getting it into her mouth.
- Drooling.
- Rubbing off her hair.
- Being patient (up to a point).
- Expressing her opinions. Loudly.
I finally finished her baby blanket! And best of all, she loves it.
At 5 months, Rosie is learning to:
- Roll over. She's done it multiple times but not consistently yet.
- Sit up. She can sit by herself but still tends to fall on her face within about ten seconds.
- Sleep through the night. We still haven't been able to consistently duplicate those magical 8-10 hours stretches yet.
And that's our girl!

UPDATE: A few days after I wrote this, Rosie started sitting up for long stretches and a day or two later, she started rolling over (in both directions) without a problem. AND she started sleeping through the night at the same time, so, booyah. She checked off all those milestones within a week!


  1. Such a good way to record an age! (Loves, hates, good at). I want to throw away my current baby book and write my next one like this. Could you produce a baby book so I can buy it? :) Rosie is adorable!!

  2. Ha, sure, I'll get right on that. Or maybe we should collaborate and make a million dollars with it? It really is a much more fun way of capturing an age!
