Tuesday, July 15, 2014

All about Georgie's hair

I frequently have people ask me how much time I spend on Georgie's hair, usually as an amazed response to seeing her mess of curls. The answer is, I don't, but I thought I'd document the process to show exactly how little I do.

First, I wash Georgie's hair during her after-dinner bath. It still holds a little curl, even when wet.

Then I towel it off to dry it a bit and the curl pops out again.

Then I brush it straight back. (Georgie really wanted to see the camera.)

The ends start to ringlet a little.

Approximately twelve hours later, this is what she wakes up to.

And that's it. Her hair's actually comparatively tame in these pictures. When it gets really wild, I'll brush it and put it in pigtails (sometimes just one ponytail, but I can't quite catch all the hair yet). There is a spot in the back that is always matted because of how she sleeps on it and I occasionally try to brush it out. But seriously, that is the extent of  her hair care currently. I envy her curls pretty much everyday!

P.S. Georgie tried some acrobatics while I was taking pictures - funny girl!


  1. Lucky girl! She will be totally gorgeous her whole life and the curls are just beautiful fringe benefit. And I am super jealous that you never have to do her hair!

  2. Georgie's hair is incredible. :)
