Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Holidays get progressively more fun with kids, I think. I'll have to revisit this theory next year when I have a two-year-old who will get the concept of trick-or-treating a little better and a baby to dress all adorably. For now, I believe my theory to be correct and for proof I give you the following pictures:

First we have Superbaby. She wore this costume for our ward party and was pretty dang cute, I have to say.

Hehe, caught in the middle of a tantrum:

Then on actual Halloween we went trick-or-treating at Novell during the afternoon in costume #2 - the most adorable unicorn ever. Tim dressed up as Bob Ross, the "happy trees" painter of PBS fame. I am so sad I didn't get a better picture - he looked just like like that "almighty" artist! We made it around half of one floor before Georgie was too overwhelmed and we called it good for the day, but we, I mean she, still got quite a haul!

Then we went out that night just around our cul-de-sac and down the street a ways. Our little unicorn sort of got the idea of what to do and would at least take the candy and put it in her bucket by the end of the night. 

I made her a little feed bag but she wouldn't leave it on to make it actually useful. Still, kinda fun! 

And that was our Halloween! It was fun to dress Georgie up (she's just so darling, right?) and watch her slowly get the hang of trick-or-treating. Plus we're enjoying her candy. Can't wait for next year!

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